
Embark on a journey of empowerment and growth by considering membership with the Black Business Alliance!

As a member, you have the opportunity to join a vibrant network dedicated to fostering collaboration, amplifying your voice, and promoting success for Black-owned businesses.

Explore exclusive benefits, including networking events, educational resources, advocacy support, and promotional opportunities. Your success story begins with the Black Business Alliance. Join us!

  • Business Builder
    12 months
    Package price


    • Black owned business (including realtors, insurance, financial services)
    • Black-led, Black community non-profit organizations
    • Entry level investment in BBA mission and services

    * For companies, business professionals and organizations that want to build their business, increase their brand, and expand their customer base.


    All individual-level membership benefits, plus

    • Member Certificate
    • Business Directory Listing
    • Business Development Support
    • Members First Grant and funding opportunities 
    • Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure
    • Access potential to speaking/workshop opportunities 
    • BBA Podcast Interview (raw footage for marketing purposes)
    • Business Marketplace – B2B opportunities
    • Discount on BBA event space rental
    • Discount on BBA event tickets
    • Access to tax, vacation savings and other services
    • Access to specially curated Wellness Events & Newsletters
  • Business Builder Monthly
    1 month
    Package price
  • Business Builder Quarterly
    3 months
    Package price
  • Business Sustainer
    12 months
    Package price

    ·Black-owned business

    ·Black-led, Black community non-profit organizations


    * For any business or organization that wants to promote a strong economy and a better quality of life locally and nationally.

    ·All Business Supporter-level membership benefits, plus

    ·Member Plaque

    ·Contracting/procurement opportunities 

    ·Priority Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·"Tweak My Biz" Expert Panel Coaching Events Participant

    ·Black Excellence Certification Program

    ·Regional Chamber Affiliate Programs [not available in all areas]

  • Business Sustainer Monthly
    1 month
    Package price

    ·Black-owned business

    ·Black-led, Black community non-profit organizations


    * For any business or organization that wants to promote a strong economy and a better quality of life locally and nationally.

    ·All Business Supporter-level membership benefits, plus

    ·Member Plaque

    ·Contracting/procurement opportunities 

    ·Priority Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·"Tweak My Biz" Expert Panel Coaching Events Participant

    ·Black Excellence Certification Program

    ·Regional Chamber Affiliate Programs [not available in all areas]

  • Business Sustainer Quarterly
    3 months
    Package price

    ·Black-owned business

    ·Black-led, Black community non-profit organizations


    * For any business or organization that wants to promote a strong economy and a better quality of life locally and nationally.

    ·All Business Supporter-level membership benefits, plus

    ·Member Plaque

    ·Contracting/procurement opportunities 

    ·Priority Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·"Tweak My Biz" Expert Panel Coaching Events Participant

    ·Black Excellence Certification Program

    ·Regional Chamber Affiliate Programs [not available in all areas]

  • Business Investor
    12 months
    Package price

    ·Black-owned Business

    ·Investment in BBA long-term sustainability


    * For any Black-owned business or organization intending to make long-term investment in BBA to build a foundation sustainability fund, the interest proceeds of which can be used for operations and other donor designated initiatives.

    ·All Business Sustainer-level membership benefits, plus

    ·Buyer/supplier development 

    ·Premium placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Business Profiles featured on BBA social media channels

    ·50% of membership fee will be designated to The Prosperity Foundation BBA Sustainability Fund

    ·50% is tax deductible donation to a 501(c)3 charity.

    ·Participation on Sustainability Fund Planning Committee

  • Business Investor Monthly
    1 month
    Package price

    ·Black-owned Business

    ·Investment in BBA long-term sustainability


    * For any Black-owned business or organization intending to make long-term investment in BBA to build a foundation sustainability fund, the interest proceeds of which can be used for operations and other donor designated initiatives.

    ·All Business Sustainer-level membership benefits, plus

    ·Buyer/supplier development 

    ·Premium placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Business Profiles featured on BBA social media channels

    ·50% of membership fee will be designated to The Prosperity Foundation BBA Sustainability Fund

    ·50% is tax deductible donation to a 501(c)3 charity.

    ·Participation on Sustainability Fund Planning Committee

  • Business Investor Quarterly
    3 months
    Package price

    ·Black-owned Business

    ·Investment in BBA long-term sustainability


    * For any Black-owned business or organization intending to make long-term investment in BBA to build a foundation sustainability fund, the interest proceeds of which can be used for operations and other donor designated initiatives.

    ·All Business Sustainer-level membership benefits, plus

    ·Buyer/supplier development 

    ·Premium placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Business Profiles featured on BBA social media channels

    ·50% of membership fee will be designated to The Prosperity Foundation BBA Sustainability Fund

    ·50% is tax deductible donation to a 501(c)3 charity.

    ·Participation on Sustainability Fund Planning Committee

  • Community Collaborator
    12 months
    Package price

    ·Corporate and non-profit allies



    *Collaborating organizations and supporters who network and coordinate events with/through BBA

    ·Networking opportunities

    ·Discount at BBA events

    ·BBA Partner/CollaboratorLogo (png) for website

    ·Increase your visibility as an ally 

    ·Achieve your supplier diversity goals 

    ·Strengthen your organization with our partnership

    ·Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·Co-branding educational opportunities

  • Community Collaborator Monthly
    1 month
    Package price

    ·Corporate and non-profit allies



    *Collaborating organizations and supporters who network and coordinate events with/through BBA

    ·Networking opportunities

    ·Discount at BBA events

    ·BBA Partner/CollaboratorLogo (png) for website

    ·Increase your visibility as an ally 

    ·Achieve your supplier diversity goals 

    ·Strengthen your organization with our partnership

    ·Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·Co-branding educational opportunities

  • Community Collaborator Quarterly
    3 months
    Package price

    ·Corporate and non-profit allies



    *Collaborating organizations and supporters who network and coordinate events with/through BBA

    ·Networking opportunities

    ·Discount at BBA events

    ·BBA Partner/CollaboratorLogo (png) for website

    ·Increase your visibility as an ally 

    ·Achieve your supplier diversity goals 

    ·Strengthen your organization with our partnership

    ·Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·Co-branding educational opportunities

  • Corporate Champion
    12 months
    Package price

    ·Corporations and non-profit allies


    *This membership is for businesses and organizations that are looking to grow and scale their current operations through purchasing, supplier diversity.

    ·Networking opportunities

    ·Discount at BBA events

    ·Purchasing and Business Development Support

    ·Grant and funding opportunities 

    ·Buyer/supplier development 

    ·Contracting/procurement opportunities 

    ·Ad space in the BBA Newsletter

    ·Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Priority Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·Co-branding educational & networking opportunities

    ·Individual benefits negotiated independently

  • Corporate Champion Monthly
    1 month
    Package price

    ·Corporations and non-profit allies


    * This membership is for businesses and organizations that are looking to grow and scale their current operations through purchasing, supplier diversity.

    ·Networking opportunities

    ·Discount at BBA events

    ·Purchasing and Business Development Support

    ·Grant and funding opportunities 

    ·Buyer/supplier development 

    ·Contracting/procurement opportunities 

    ·Ad space in the BBA Newsletter

    ·Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Priority Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·Co-branding educational & networking opportunities

    ·Individual benefits negotiated independently

  • Corporate Champion Quarterly
    3 months
    Package price

    ·Corporations and non-profit allies


    * This membership is for businesses and organizations that are looking to grow and scale their current operations through purchasing, supplier diversity.

    ·Networking opportunities

    ·Discount at BBA events

    ·Purchasing and Business Development Support

    ·Grant and funding opportunities 

    ·Buyer/supplier development 

    ·Contracting/procurement opportunities 

    ·Ad space in the BBA Newsletter

    ·Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Priority Access to speaking/workshop opportunities 

    ·Co-branding educational & networking opportunities

    ·Individual benefits negotiated independently

  • Government
    12 months
    Package price

    ·City and state economic development or other agencies


    *This membership is for agencies in state or municipal governments that are looking to connect with Black-owned businesses through purchasing and business development support.

    ·Networking opportunities

    ·Discount at BBA events

    ·Purchasing and Business Development Support

    ·Supplier relationship development 

    ·Placement on BBA social channels/brand exposure

    ·Priority Access to speaking/workshop opportunities